5 Highlights from Our 2023 Impact Report

Written By AD&V®
Cover of AD&V's 2023 Impact Report.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR | AD&V® is dedicated to advanced and energy-efficient sustainable architecture & interior design that enhances people’s experience of the world and improves their lives.


In our 2023 Impact Report, we dive deep into the narratives and data that underscore the ripple effects of our actions. We bear witness to the tangible outcomes of our endeavors—as individuals, an organization, and part of a global community. Our stories are intertwined, reflecting our collective responsibility in shaping the future.

As we reflect on the past year, we are proud to share 5 highlights from our 2023 Impact Report, showcasing our efforts and achievements in making a meaningful difference on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):


We believe in a culture of constant growth. We want our team to keep growing both personally and professionally to reach their maximum potential. To encourage this, last year, we developed several initiatives and lifelong learning opportunities for our team members.

Our initiatives included adding AD&V [U]niversity and our special speaker series, where prominent Puerto Rican figures are invited to our office to speak exclusively to our team. These initiatives complement our ongoing opportunities which include post-mortems, supplier presentations, and special events, to name a few. These opportunities are instrumental in encouraging our team to reach their maximum potential.

This chart illustrates the AD&V team’s cumulative overall Professional Development hours dedicated to shared knowledge activities in 2023:

Chart that illustrates the hours that the AD&V team invested in Professional Development.

Throughout the year, 2,885.5+ cumulative hours were invested in professional development. This commitment to shared knowledge not only enhances our team's skills but also enriches the quality of our work and its impact on the world.


Giving back to our communities is part of the AD&V Way and we are constantly finding ways to contribute to the greater good. In 2023, we made significant contributions to various causes, totaling $85,444.65 in donations made by AD&V and its team members. Our efforts supported organizations such as Hogar Niñito Jesús, Fundación Hospital Pediátrico, and Techos Pa’ Mi Gente, among others.

We also maintained our commitment to recycling by utilizing our designated recycling bins at our office. This allows the team to efficiently recycle a wide range of materials, including plastic caps, glass, medical bottles, coffee cup holders, magazines, aluminum, printer toners, door locks, cardboard tubes for architectural plans, plastic #1, and plastic #2.

This chart illustrates our 2023 efforts to make a difference:

Chart illustrating AD&V's 2023 efforts to make a difference.

In 2023, we recycled more than 1,000 pounds of recyclable materials and composted 1,900 pounds of organic matter! Through these initiatives, we aim to leave the world better than we found it, fostering positive change in our communities.


We are determined to use our business as a force for good in the world, tackling many of the challenges humanity faces. We have aligned our business practices with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In 2023, we focused on initiatives that support corporate social responsibility, including becoming B Corp Certified, joining the AIA’s 2030 Commitment, and actively participating in outreach programs for the UNGC and the SDGs. We challenged ourselves to set ambitious sustainability targets and accelerate the integration of the SDGs into our core business to achieve the 2030 Agenda and to motivate other companies to do the same.

AD&V's B Corp Certification announcement.

Our efforts to inspire and encourage other companies to incorporate sustainable development principles into their core business practices have reached over 701 people through seminars and one-on-one outreach, and 2 companies joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) due to our outreach. Together, we are creating a more sustainable future as we continue to advocate for the integration of sustainable development principles across diverse business landscapes.


AD&V’s mission is to design Places of Purpose because we want to create a society where individuals and communities are empowered to thrive. Our data-driven approach helps us quantify how we’re measuring up against our yearly goals.

In 2023 we aimed to directly impact 4,462 individuals and indirectly impact 100,000 individuals through finished projects. Our work in 2023  directly impacted 2,978 lives and indirectly impacted 108,668 lives.

This chart provides a summary of the lives AD&V has directly impacted by finished projects in 2023:

Chart illustrating the lives AD&V has directly impacted by finished projects.

By focusing on projects that align with our values of sustainability, inclusivity, and innovation, we continue to work toward advancing the well-being of society.


We know design has the power to change and positively transform people's lives. We are in pursuit of our 2030 BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal), to directly impact 65,000 lives and indirectly impact 6 million lives through Places of Purpose. Each step documented in our Impact Report brings us closer to the transformative impact we aspire to make by the year 2030.

This chart illustrates how much of AD&V’s 2030 BHAG has been accomplished:

Chart that illustrates how much of AD&V’s 2030 Goal has been accomplished:

We set ambitious goals and are proud of the progress we’ve made. Our efforts in shared knowledge, community engagement, and aligning with the global agenda have contributed to our overall impact. We are expanding our reach and influence, driving forward our mission to use architecture and design as forces for good.


As we look forward to 2024, we are filled with gratitude for the support and collaboration of our team, partners, and community. Together, we can continue to build a more sustainable, equitable, and beautiful world!

For more details on our initiatives and impact, explore the full 2023 Impact Report below:


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