5 Ways Adaptive Reuse Can Transform Communities
Adaptive reuse has emerged as a powerful tool for community transformation. Let's explore how adaptive reuse can revolutionize our communities and create lasting positive change.
3 Ways to Design for Community Engagement: AD&V’s Holistic Approach
At AD&V, we believe that effective community engagement leverages local knowledge, experience, and resources while promoting inclusion, sustainability, and equity. Learn about our approach to designing for community engagement.
Mixed-Income Housing and Preconditions for Success
While most reports highlight the benefits of mixed-income housing, others point to its failures, citing research showing that these projects have not worked well.
Following are the most cited problems of mixed-income housing development.
Resilient Design Protects Property, Preserves Resources And Saves Lives
Resilient design is about saving priceless lives and resources.
"A year of natural disasters" is a phrase that characterizes 2017. Thousands of lives were lost and billions of dollars in damages impacted numerous countries and regions around the globe.
The huge losses caused by these catastrophic natural disasters of 2017 stress the importance of resilient design.
Check out the video below to learn how resilient design can protect against natural and man-made disasters, as well as accelerate recovery.
The Promise-And Reality-Of Mixed-Income Housing
Public housing has a decades-long reputation for concentrating poverty, increasing crime, encouraging welfare dependency and causing urban decline.
One way the U.S. has addressed the public housing problem and sought urban revitalization is to replace low-income housing with mixed-income housing developments.
Has it worked? It depends on whom you ask.
Affordable Housing Development Is Good for the Neighborhood
Study: Low-Income Housing Does Not Lower Nearby Home Values
For years, a common and strong objection to affordable housing development has been that it lowers the real estate value of homes in the surrounding areas. That, it turns out, is a myth.
Research shows that affordable housing does not have a long-term negative impact on nearby property values.
Building Codes Save Lives and Property in Natural Disaster-Prone Areas
This year’s busy hurricane season reminds us of the importance of complying with building codes that promote the construction of safe and durable structures.
Strict, uniform building codes protect lives and mitigate property damage caused by natural and man-made disasters.
Designing the ideal, sustainable cities of the future: Lessons from Habitat III and the New Urban Agenda
The sustainable development of towns and cities moves forward at landmark summit
This past October, world leaders and key representatives from the 193 member states of the United Nations were invited to meet in Quito, Ecuador for the celebration of Habitat III—the third world summit to take place over the course of four decades since its conception in 1976— directed toward promoting socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities— and specifically, providing adequate shelter for all.